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Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints.

Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints.

Newell, Edward T.: The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints. From Seleucus I to Antiochus III. With a summary of recent scholarship additions and corrections by Otto Morkholm. New York: The American Numismatic Society 1978. Lex.-8°. IX, 307 Textseiten, 1 Karte, 56 Tafeln. Pappband (Einbandecken leicht bestossen; sonst gut erhalten) (=Numismatic Studies, No. 1).

CHF 240.00

Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints. (Umschlag)
Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints. (Umschlag)

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