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Smith, Medals for Dishonor.

Smith, Medals for Dishonor.

Smith, David: Medals for Dishonor. New York: Inpendent Curators International 1996. Gr.-8°. 84 S., zahlreiche sw-Abbildungen, broschiert (gut erhalten)

avid Smith is considered to be one of America’s most distinguished sculptors, best known for having etablished the tradition of open-form welded-metal sculpture in the 1930s. In this catalogue the authors examine a major, although little known body of his work, the Medals of Dishonor, which Smith began in 1937.

(früher CHF 45.00) jetzt CHF 22.80

Smith, Medals for Dishonor. (Umschlag)
Smith, Medals for Dishonor. (Umschlag)

ZVAB Schweiz Buchantiquariat Katalog Alexander Wild Antiquariat

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