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Masterson, Writings on American history 1954. Compiled for the National Historic…

Masterson, Writings on American history 1954. Compiled for the National Historic

Masterson, James R. (Ed.) Writings on American history 1954. Compiled for the National Historical Publications Commission. [Volume II of the annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1956.]. Washington: National Historical Publications Commission 1956. 8°. XV, 648 S., Leinen (gut erhalten)

CHF 20.00

Masterson, Writings on American history 1954. Compiled for the National Historic (Umschlag)
Masterson, Writings on American history 1954. Compiled for the National Historic (Umschlag)

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Sie erreichen uns persönlich: Dienstag bis Freitag 11.00 bis 18.30 Uhr, Samstag 10.00 bis 16.00 Uhr Sonntag und Montag geschlossen.