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Lindt, The paper-mills of Berne and their watermarks 1465-1859.

Lindt, The paper-mills of Berne and their watermarks 1465-1859.

Lindt, Johann: The paper-mills of Berne and their watermarks 1465-1859. (with the German original). Hilversum: Paper Publications Society 1964. 4°. XXIV, 203 S., 178 S. Illustrationen, Tafeln, Karten, Leinen (Papierbedingt leicht gebräunt; sonst gut erhalten) (=Monumenta chartæ papyraceæ historiam illustrantia, 10)

CHF 120.00

Lindt, The paper-mills of Berne and their watermarks 1465-1859. (Umschlag)
Lindt, The paper-mills of Berne and their watermarks 1465-1859. (Umschlag)

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